Friday, March 27, 2015

A pill or a glass of wine?

If you Google Utah and antidepressant use, you will find some interesting information about high rates of use as compared to other states.  Sometimes, I’ve heard people attribute this to people feeling too stressed about life in a legalistic religious culture.  I heard a comment the other day that shed some light on that topic. More people here are more willing to get the help they need. Also within the predominant faith, abstinence from alcohol is emphasized. So assistance from prescribed medicine is more culturally acceptable. In other areas, people may unwind with a glass of wine. However, abuse of either can lead to major problems.

The main issue is for people to get help when they need it. Although prescribed medicines can be abused, they still have helped many people when properly used. Counseling and appropriate medicine have given many people much more doable lives. My oldest son is diabetic and takes insulin to control his blood sugar. No one gives him grief for taking insulin. Unfortunately, some people who need and take antidepressants are told that if they pray more or read their Bible’s more, then they would be fine. That is an unnecessary burden to put on people who are suffering.

 If an individual has emotional or mental issues, he or she needs to be encouraged to be appropriately evaluated by medical professionals.  Those individuals should be supported by friends, family, and coworkers. If they need medicine to live their lives balanced they should be encouraged and not be told that it is unspiritual. 

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