Tuesday, April 15, 2014

“Life Lessons from Chuck” Part I

Summary of “Life Lessons from Chuck” Lehi Rotary meeting June 20th 2012

1. We don’t truly control our lives. Many things in our world are out of our control (Think of natural disasters, the weather, the economy, illnesses, etc..).

2. Life is a gift from God.  Life is also a combination of the many small choices and the few big ones we make. Life is more our response to what happens, then controlling it. We are ultimately responsible to God for the gift that is our lives. A peaceful home is also a gift from God.

3. Most parents (and children) are annoying and have limitations; therefore, if they are not evil, cut them some slack. Give and accept grace from each other. The ‘parents curse’ is real: “I can’t wait till your kids do this to you.”

4. We forgive as we recognize and embrace God’s forgiveness in our own lives.  Keep letting go of anger and bitterness until you stop taking it back.                       

4. Don’t tell small children things that produce needless fear; instead, focus on word of comfort and wisdom.

5. You should not be defined by your background, but by the choices you make.

6. We tend to learn more from our failures, than our successes. Failure is generally not fatal.

7. We work toward maturity as we own out own attitudes and actions.  Don’t blame anyone else for your life after you are 18.  

8. We tend to find what we look for in life. Consider the Bible’s comments on Reaping and Sowing. Galatians 6

9. A true friend wants what is best for you. Seek to be that kind of friend and seek others who will be that kind of friend for you.

10. Good decisions making requires good information.  Get the best information that you can. God’s will is for you to make wise decisions. Not making a decision is still making a decision. While you shouldn’t deny feelings, don’t let them control your life. Feelings can change, while  wisdom steers a steady course.

11.  When in doubt, read the directions. When in doubt about the morality of an opportunity or a situation, don’t do it. When you violate your conscience too many times, it becomes seared and a poor guide.

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