Friday, September 19, 2014

Does God care what I wear?

It depends on what you are asking. Does God care what color you wear? I don’t believe there is  superior or inferior color.  However, color can be important for other reasons. In certain gang areas of our country, wearing certain types of colored clothing can be an invitation to trouble.  On a very practical level, if you are out walking your dog at night, wearing light colored clothing makes it easier for drivers to see you.

Does God care what type of clothing that I wear?  God cares about what you wear in the sense that your outward clothing can reflect your inward attitude.  If someone wears a t-shirt with various profanities emblazoned across the front and back, it communicates that person’s inner attitude toward life.  If someone wears revealing clothing in public, that is more of a distraction to members of the opposite sex, than an expression of beauty. We need to ask ourselves-how does my dress affect those around me? We should also ask-what does my clothing say about my attitude toward myself and others?

The Apostle Paul wrote these instructions to a young pastor leading his congregation: “Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments; [10] but rather by means of good works, as befits women making a claim to godliness.”  1 Timothy 2:9-10.  While these comments are directed toward women, they also have application to men.
The definitions of the underlined words are helpful:
Modest-Having a regard for decencies of behavior or dress; quiet and humble in appearance, style, etc.; not displaying one's body; not boastful or vain; unassuming; virtuous; shy or reserved; chaste.
Discreet-Lacking ostentation or pretension; "showing good judgment"; prudent; cautious; careful about what one says or does.

The focus in these two verses is that people should not be preoccupied with outward adornments, but with inward godliness. While it is appropriate to dress nicely, our preoccupation should not be the latest immodest fashion. Our preoccupation should be with godliness and the resulting good works.

While  there is cultural variation in what is considered modest and discreet, we should be alert to the sensitivities of other people. Schools have dress and conduct codes so students can focus on education, and not be distracted with inappropriate dress and behavior.  A student wearing a bikini would be a needless distraction for the teachers and other students and would hinder the educational purpose of the school. We can not get away from considering how our dress and behavior affects other people. Most work situations have dress and conduct codes so the company’s business can be done without needless distraction.

We should be aware that people make assumptions (fair or not) about our character and reputation by how we present ourselves in public.  By being modest and discreet we encourage other people to get to know us for who we are, not for who they perceive us to be. The bottom line is that God does care about what you wear because what you wear reflects your inward attitude and behavior. 

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